PPE Company Branding

Farabi Health is a landmark pharmaceutical company in Turkey whose focus shifted to the production of superior quality PPE products following Covid.


Health / PPE


We were tasked to recreate the branding to reflect the superior quality of their products. What they needed was beyond a new logo. What they desired was to have a global identity that would express their authority in the health industry, not only in Turkey where they are based, but in US and beyond.


We developed their brand identity around their most used keyword, "shield". We consistently carried this foundational concept across all platforms from print to digital, and revised their brand message as well as their marketing strategies.


We organized an elaborate photoshoot to develop a modern photo archive that can effectively be used for many years to come. Not only did we direct the modeling of the products, but we created a hospital set to capture arresting images for their billboards, websites and all other promotional materials.


Reflecting the brand message, the design creatively clinical and has an appropriately clean and pure aesthetic. The shield logomark is strategically integrated across all platforms from the cut of the packages to the subtle background of our photographic images.
